horizontal directional drilling

Digging with a Trencher or Horizontal Directional Drill Which Method is Better?

The traditional trenching and horizontal directional drilling are the two most debated methods when a digging project is at hand.  For people who understand the intricacies of machines for digging in the ground, this may not really be an issue. Both methods have strengths and weaknesses and not one of them has the monopoly of [...]

By |2024-07-11T07:08:26-06:00February 1st, 2021|Blog, Directional Drilling, Trenchless Sewer Lines|0 Comments

The Technical, Economic and Environmental Benefits of Horizontal Directional Drilling

Horizontal directional drilling allows technicians to drill horizontally without causing damage to the surface. Because of this technology, new ways to install pipes below protected, occupied or crowded spaces is now possible. Aside from its capability to dig without destroying a landscape, horizontal directional drilling carries these advantages: Faster installation Lower installation cost Flexibility - [...]

How Does Directional Drilling Work?

Most utility installers today use horizontal directional drilling to install lines below ground. Using this method, Advanced Line Systems can install pipelines, cables and other services without digging costly and unsightly trenches. Based on the process used by the oil well drilling industry, it instead drills precisely through the ground at a horizontal angle, then [...]

The Benefits of Directional Boring

Let’s step back from all of these specific methods for a moment and take a broader look at just what directional boring is and the benefits it has to offer. Directional boring, or horizontal directional drilling (HDD), is an alternative method of laying utilities and conduits. There are a variety of reasons such a method [...]

By |2017-12-11T06:08:02-07:00November 6th, 2017|Horizontal Directional Drilling|0 Comments

A Mission of Discovery

My last article addressed construction site excavation and the dangers of cave-ins. For this article, we will be discussing the process that takes places before excavation – potholing. Potholing is the process through which underground utility lines are discovered and identified, so the dig can go smoothly and prevent damage. A test hole is bored [...]

By |2017-09-15T05:54:50-06:00September 18th, 2017|Horizontal Directional Drilling|0 Comments
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